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Denis Whiteside

Denis Whiteside

Denis Whiteside Here comes Everybody

Denis Whiteside Here comes Everybody

Denis Whiteside I dont know

Denis Whiteside I dont know

Denis Whiteside



Winner of Neo Artprize and Neo Printprize - 'Most Outstanding Print Award' in 2012 Denis is currently using various print processes, producing short editions between one and ten. 
He creates, curates, tutors and exhibits nationally, he is a member of neo:artists group based in Bolton. Graduated with First class BA (hons) fine art. 2006.
Most of Whiteside's work explores aspects of linguistics and semiotics, visualising equivocal interpretations of ideas. 

"Text has developed as an extension of my output since 2003 and I look for ways of visualising the equivocal interpretations that we take on when we read or hear what is written or said. (...) 

What is presented is always open to interpretation by the viewer, further emphasising the absurdity of language and absolute meanings in its use.

Many of the works are self referential, partly to identify ideas whilst at the same time obscuring purpose. They are attempts to demystify narrative linguistic notions.

I don't seek to use art as a platform to address worldly concerns such as famine, war, greed, political corruption etc., though I am interested in the language that is used to convey these issues.(...)"



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